Registered in the Register of Associations
and Foundations of the Republic of Latvia,
Riga, 2nd June 2006
with No.40008078391
(the new version)
Confirmed in
1.1. The name of the Association is “LATVIJAS SPORTA IZGLĪTĪBAS IESTĀŽU “DIREKTORU PADOME”” (hereinafter referred to as – Association).
2.1. The objective and tasks of the Association are:
2.1.1. to coordinate and manage the implementation of professional sports education programs in the country;
2.1.2. to address issues that are related to the actions of sports schools, sports clubs of Latvia, to represent their interests in public authorities and other organizations;
2.1.3. to advance the development of youth sports and improve the sports system in Latvia;
2.1.4. to promote the youth sports in the country;
2.1.5. to advance the development of sports in Latvia, the implementation of sports programs, the continuity of learning process and methodological work in sports institutions;
2.1.6. public benefit activities aimed at supporting sports.
2.2. The Association has got the right to represent sports schools, including sports clubs, in public and international bodies to carry out any legally allowed activities to implement tasks of the Association.
2.3. Association:
2.3.1. determines and controls issues within its competence that are related to the development of youth sports, cooperation with other organizations in Latvia and other countries.
2.3.2. constantly determines directions of actions, carries out its planning and organization, income distribution, opens accounts in banks, and arranges accounting and record keeping in accordance with the procedures described by law.
3.1. The Association is established for an indefinite period of time.
4.1. Members of the Association are legal persons – sports schools and sports clubs, whose activities are related to youth sports or implement professional sports education programmes.
4.2. To become a member of the Association an application of a specific form is to be submitted to the Board. The Board of the Association determines the application form and documents to be enclosed.
4.3. The Board shall adopts a decision regarding the admission of a member into the Association. The Board is to consider an applicant’s request within the nearest meeting. The Board is to inform the applicant of a motivated decision in a written form in a week’s time from a date of the decision.
4.4. If the Board has decided to admit the applicant as a member of the Association, the new member is to pay the membership fee in accordance with the procedure specified by the Board.
4.5. An applicant may appeal a negative decision of the Board to the Member Meeting in a written form. If the Meeting also refuses applicant’s request, the applicant is not admitted as a member of the Association, and it may submit a confirmatory application not earlier than after expiry of a period of a year.
4.6. A member may withdraw from the Association at any time by submitting a written notification to the Management Board.
4.7. A member may be excluded from the Association on the basis of the decision of the Board if a member:
4.7.1. has not paid the membership fee more than six months;
4.7.2. does not comply with the decisions of the Member Meeting and Board;
4.7.3. does not comply with its obligations and commitments;
4.7.4. is engaged in other activities that contradict the determined issues of these statutes and ethical and moral principles of sports.
4.8. The Board considers an issue about the withdrawal of a member within the nearest meeting by inviting the member to be withdrawn and giving it the floor for expressing the views. The absence of the member to be withdrawn does not preclude the Board from deciding. The Board is to inform the member about a withdrawal from the Association as well as the motivation of the decision in a written form within five days from the decision taken.
5.1. A member of the Association has the right:
5.1.1. with the mediation of the legal representatives, or if necessary, directly, to participate in the administration of the Association in accordance with the Statutes;
5.1.2. to receive information about the activities of the Association;
5.1.3. to participate in all events organised by the Association, submit proposals for the activities and improving of the Association, defend one’s views.
5.1.4. to act in other democratic associations freely;
5.1.5. to withdraw from the Association by submitting a written application;
5.2. Obligations of members of the Association are:
5.2.1. to comply with the decisions of the Board and Member Meetings, and the Statutes of the Association;
5.2.2. to pay a membership fee regularly;
5.2.3. to support the implementation of the Association’s objective and tasks with an active participation;
5.2.4. to promptly notify the Board of the names, surnames and personal identification numbers of those persons who are authorised to represent a Members’ Meeting of the Association by adding an appropriate authorisation identification document to the notification.
5.2.5. to keep high the good name of the Association and prevent actions that undermine reputation of the Association in the society.
6.1. Territorial and other divisions of the Association may be formed with a decision of a Members’ Meeting.
6.2. Action, rights and obligations of a division as well as its relations with the Association are regulated by a regulation of the division approved by the Members’ Meeting of the Association.
7.1. A Member Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the Association.
7.2. Each member of the Association shall be entitled to participate in the Members’ Meeting. Each member shall have one vote in the Members’ Meeting.
7.3. A regular Members’ Meeting shall be convened once a year.
7.4. An emergency Members’ Meeting shall be convened on the initiative of the Board, chairperson of the board and the auditor, or if not less than one tenth of the members of the Association demand in a written form indicating the reason.
7.5. The convening of the meeting time, place and agenda shall be determined by the Board, in accordance with the requirements of the application.
7.6. The Board is obliged to announce a Members’ Meeting in a written form, by telephone, or otherwise, but in a way that members of the Association receive the message not later than 14 days before the beginning of the Members’ Meeting.
7.7. The secretary of the Board is obliged to prepare materials of the Members’ Meeting timely so that the Members’ Meeting shall pass business-like with handouts, yet the decision on issues shall be made on voting for previously prepared draft decision versions as far as possible.
7.8. The quorum of a Members’ Meeting shall be not less than one half of the members present at a Members’ Meeting.
7.9. If a Members’ Meeting has no quorum in accordance with the Paragraph 7.8.of this Section, a repeated meeting shall be convened in a three weeks’ time, which is entitled to take decisions notwithstanding the number of members present, if at least two members participate in it.
7.10. A decision of a Members’ Meeting shall be taken if more than half of members’ present vote in favour thereof. A decision of amendments of the statutes, termination and continuation of activities of the Association are considered to be taken if more than two-thirds of the members present vote in favour thereof. All ballots for personalia are secret, except for cases if more than a half of the members having the right to vote decide differently.
7.11. A Members’ Meeting shall be opened by the chairman or an authorised person on behalf of the chairman and chairs the meeting until a chair of the meeting is elected.
7.12. A minute-taker, revision commission, vote counters shall also be elected, and proposals on the agenda and rules of procedure shall be discussed, adopted or rejected at the beginning of a Members’ Meeting.
7.13. An obligation of the chair of a Members’ Meeting is to specify the rules of a procedure explicitly. An obligation of the Board is to even out mandatory decidable issues among the cycles of a Members’ Meeting so that the agenda is not overloaded.
7.14. Minutes shall be taken at a Members’ Meeting. The following shall be indicated in the minutes:
7.14.1. the name of the Association;
7.14.2. the authority (person) that calls a Members’ Meeting;
7.14.3. the venue and time of a Members’ Meeting;
7.14.4. time when members have been informed of convening and notifying of a Members’ Meeting;
7.14.5. the total number of members of the Association and, if in accordance with the Statutes of the Association members’ representatives are present at a Members’ Meeting, the total number of members’ representatives that is necessary in order to represent all members;
7.14.6. members present at the Members’ Meeting (number of members’ representatives);
7.14.7. an agenda;
7.14.8. a procedure and course of discussion of the agenda;
7.14.9. results of voting, indicating the vote for each decision with an entry “for” or “against”;
7.14.10. decisions taken.
7.15. Minutes of a Members’ Meeting shall be signed by a chair of the meeting and a secretary.
7.16. Minutes shall be open documents to the members. They shall be stored in a registration file of the Association. In case of necessity, minutes shall be registered in the Enterprise Register.
7.17. Decisions of a Members’ Meeting may be appealed in accordance with the procedures set out in the law.
7.18. A Members’ Meeting of the Association:
7.18.1. approves the Statutes of the Association and amendments to them with a two third majority vote of the members present;
7.18.2. elects the Board and an auditor for three years;
7.18.4. excluded with the decision of the Members’ Meeting 6 June 2012;
7.8.15. determines an amount of a membership fee;
7.8.16. decides on complaints on the Board and auditors and, in case of necessity, withdraw them from posts;
7.8.17. decides on self-liquidation;
7.18.8. takes decisions on creation of special funds and use of their resources;
7.18.9. takes decisions on other issues that the Board has delegated to a Members’ Meeting.
8.1. The Board is an executive body of the Association that consists of fifteen board members: a chairperson of the Board, two deputy chairpersons of the Board, an executive secretary and eleven members.
8.2. The Board shall be elected for three years in a Members’ Meeting. Members of the Board shall elect a chairperson, two deputy chairpersons, and the secretary in charge from among their midst who shall organize activities of the Board.
8.3. The Board is entitled to take any decisions that are not the exclusive competence of the Members’ Meeting.
8.4. A chairperson, its deputies and an executive secretary are entitled to represent the Association separately, yet the rest of the members have the right to represent the Association jointly with two other members of the Board.
8.5. All amendments within the composition of the Board or authority to sign in the Association shall be notified to the Enterprise Register in a week’s time.
8.6. The Board of the Association:
8.6.1. shall ensure the implementation of the decisions taken by a Members’ Meeting;
8.6.2. shall manage and superintend affairs of the Association that are not within a competency of a Members’ Meeting;
8.6.3. shall administer the property of the Association and acts with its assets and properties in accordance with the Statutes and decisions of a Members’ Meeting;
8.6.4. shall keep costs within the budget of the Association;
8.6.5. shall prepare proposals regarding changes in the action of the Association;
8.6.6. shall determine a numerical composition of employees, as well as the remuneration amount on the basis of an amount of work to be carried out;
8.6.7. shall submit documents to be approved by a Members’ Meeting;
8.6.8. shall decide on other daily issues.
8.7. Board meetings shall be convened as necessary. A chairperson or its deputies shall convene board meetings.
8.8. The Board shall have a quorum if more than one-half of Board members are present at a meeting thereof.
8.9. The Board shall take its decisions by a simple majority of Board members present. In case of an event of a tied vote, a chairperson shall have the decision vote of an event, but during his or her absence – the deputy who has been transferred authorisations.
8.10. Minutes shall be taken at the Board meetings.
8.11. If a Board member does not agree with a decision of the Board and votes in opposition against it, the member shall not be liable for the decision taken, however, the member shall have to comply with the decision. The dissenting opinion of a Board member shall be written into the minutes of a Board meeting upon his or her request.
8.12. Results of voting, indicating a vote of each Board member separately for each decision with an entry “for” or “against” shall be indicated in minutes.
8.13. Minutes of a Board meeting shall be signed by a chair and minute-taker. It shall be stored in the registration file of the Association.
8.14. Minutes of the Board meetings shall be open documents to members.
9.1. A Chairperson of the Association (a Chairperson of the Board) shall be elected by the Board for a term of office of the Board.
9.2. If the Chairman resigns the office or he or she is incapable of an action, the Chairman’s post until a current meeting is performed by the deputy who has been transferred authorisations.
9.3. The Chairperson of the Board has the right to:
9.3.1. officially represent the Association in organizations of Latvia, international and foreign states;
9.3.2. draw up and sign letters of intent – minutes and cooperation agreements, on behalf of the Association, which shall afterwards be approved in the Board;
9.3.3. claim and receive the required information from the Association’s institutions;
9.3.4. include unforeseen issues in an agenda of Members’ or Board Meetings;
9.3.5. convene Members’ or Board Meetings, recommend an agenda and manage them;
9.3.6. singly take a decision of a single acquisition, confirmation or seizure of a movable property up to a value of 500 EUR (five hundred euros);
9.4. The Chairperson of the Board:
9.4.1. shall employ hired officials (an accountant, etc.), enter into employment contracts with them;
9.4.2. shall represent the Association in relationships with organizations of Latvia, foreign states and public bodies;
9.4.3. shall take care of a reputation of the Association by constantly choosing the time and manner how to maintain and enhance it;
9.4.4. shall monitor events of the Association and assess their compliance with the Statutes, decisions of Members’ Meetings and objectives of the Association;
9.4.5. shall express his or her attitude in cases when he or she considers it to be desirable or necessary.
9.5. Deputies of the Chairperson of the Board shall replace the Chairperson during his or her absence as well as organize legal issues and economic activities in accordance with the relevant authorisation.
10.1. An economic, financial and other operational control shall be performed by the Auditor.
10.2. The Auditor of the Association shall be elected in a Members’ Meeting.
10.3. The auditor of the Association shall not be a member of the Board.
10.4. The Auditor of the Association:
10.4.1. shall make reference to activities of management authorities;
10.4.2. shall provide an opinion on a budget and annual report of the Association;
10.4.3. shall assess work of accounting and record keeping of the Association;
10.4.4. shall provide a recommendation on improvement of authorities regulating financial activities of the Association.
10.4.5. shall exercise other tasks delegated by a Members’ Meeting.
10.5. The Auditor shall perform an audit within the terms stated by a Members’ Meeting, but not less than once a year.
10.6. The Auditor has all rights to audit in compliance with the legislation of Latvia.
10.7. The Auditor’s term of office is three years.
11.1 Resources of the Association shall consist of:
11.1.1. an annual membership fee;
11.1.2. donations of legal and natural persons;
11.1.3. purpose payments of members and other persons to accomplish financing for separate tasks of the Association;
11.1.4. other income.
11.2. Resources of the Association in compliance with injunctions of a Members’ Meeting or the Board are used to:
11.2.1. implement objectives and tasks of the Association;
11.2.2. hire employees;
11.2.3. cover other expenses related to ensuring activities of the Association.
11.3. The Chairperson and the Board shall be liable for corresponding use of resources of the Association, yet the auditor shall be liable for the control of it.
12.1. The self-liquidation of the Association shall be carried out by an appointed liquidation commission composed of three people in accordance with a decision of a Members’ Meeting. Its chairperson shall chair the liquidation commission.
12.2. The self-liquidation of the Association thereof shall be carried out in compliance with the Associations and Foundations Law.