Very soon the open BMX training course will also be available in Latvian, which was developed in cooperation with 6 partners, including LSIIDP, in the Erasmus+ program project Training to WIN. The training course will be useful for BMX coaches, riders, competition organizers and other interested parties. This is the third intellectual output developed in the project. You can find out everything about the project's goals, participants, activities and results on the project website Project partners:CLUB BMX School - Zaragoza (Spain), Universidad San Jorge (Spain), Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome (Latvia), UVP - Federação Portuguesa de Ciclismo (Portugal), CEIPES (Italy), SZC - Slovensky Zvaz Cyklistiky Cyklistiky (Slovaky), Malta Street Sports Association (Malta). The project is co-financed by the European Union.