Agenda of the Meeting No1:
1.- Welcome and participants' introduction: people and roles (who is who and what he/she does).
2.- The BMX Project: general overview of idea, activities and budget.
3.- Project Management and Monitoring.
4.- Next tasks and responsibilities.
5.- European Commission policies: rules, eligible costs, justification, visibility
6.- Questions and other topics.
Project consists of seven participants from six countries:
Coordinator BMX School Zaragoza (Spain)
Partner 1 Fundacion Universidad San Jorge (Spain)
Partner 2 Latvijas Sporta izglītības iestāžu Direktoru padome (Latvia)
Partner 3 CEIPES (Italy)
Partner 4 Slovenský Zväz Cyklistiky (Slovakia)
Partner 5 Portuguese Cycling Federation (Portugal)
Partner 6 Malta Street Sport Association (Malta)