December 15 in Trakai here was a second seminar for coaches and athletes funded by the Erasmus + program. It was the third workshop of this programe. In the second workshop 3 lecturers gave lectures. One of the lecturers – Alexander Nikonorov (Great Britain) is a great coach with great kayaking experience. He has worked and trained the teams of the USSR, Spain, the Great Britain and China. In the last two Olympic Games, his athletes won two gold, silver and bronze medals.
Also the lecture was given by an employee of the Lithuanian Anti-Doping Agency.
A personal trainer V. Vasiliauskas gave a lecture on the application of exercises and methodology for training young athletes.
The lectures were attended by 69 listeners: coaches, athletes, athletes’ parents, students, managers of sports centers and sports schools, sport veterans.
Please find the description of the seminar also in the Facebook profile of the Lithuanian Canoe Federation